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Wild Nature

" There is a voice that doesn't use words, Listen." 

Mevlânâ Celaleddin-i Rumi

Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision offers a supportive space for the therapists to reflect on their response to their practice and gain a better understanding of themselves and their clients.  I support your journey to assist your continuous personal growth and development as a practitioner.

I am able to offer Supervisions for psychotherapists, counsellors and those who would like to incorporate Nondual teachings or Bach Flower Remedies into their clinical practice. 


My areas of experience are:

- School Counselling

- Art Psychotherapy

- Holistic Therapy

- Project Management for a retreat, counselling service & therapeutic workshops

- Psycho-educational training for teachers, parents & carers



  • Sessions duration: 1  - 1.5hour

  • Frequency: Flexible according to the Supervisee's needs. Normally meet weekly or forthrightly, however monthly session can be offered if the Supervisee requests it.

  • Meeting format:  In person or Video Call meetings via GoogleMeet, Zoom or Skype 


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